12 Quick Ways To Make More Money this Month

This is how business owners can make extra money this month.





So you can give yourself a bonus, hit your revenue goals — or just have a fun new money-making project to work on!

On this week’s podcast, I’m sharing 12 ways you can make money inside your business & outside your business.

Whether you’re struggling to hit your revenue goals, or you want to give yourself & your team a juicy bonus, you’re about to download some out-of-the-box creative ideas to create more money.

Here's a peak at what Sam is diving into —

👉 3 Things to AVOID if You Want to Make More Money

These mistakes could be spending in the way of extra cash.

Some of them might surprise you.

👉 How to Create a VIP Day (and why VIP days can help you)

You’ve probably seen other coaches offering VIP Days to clients.

So - what are VIP Days, and how can you bring them into your business?

Sam has attended, hosted, and coached her clients through their own VIP days. In this episode, she’s strategizing how you can use this as a tool in your business to nourish your client relationships, facilitate amazing results, and

👉 How to create a Successful Paid Workshop or Masterclass

Many of our agency clients have hosted low-price point masterclasses. With some great marketing & promotion, this can be a simple way to increase your reveunue.

👉 How to create Flash Sales & Promotional Periods in your business

Flash sales and promotional periods can help business owners get more clients in the door.

👉 7 Money Making Ideas for Outside Your Business

We’re not just looking at what happens inside your business.

Sam also shares 7 off the cuff ideas to bring more money into your life outside your business, through other means.

👉 Mindset Hacks for when You Need Emergency Money

You already know that your MINDSET is your greatest gift, including when you want to manifest money.

Sam shares her favorite thoughts & mindset hacks to help you attract more money.

Tune into this week’s podcast to hear all 12 Quick Ways to Make More Money for Business Owners.

Because when you make more money, you can…

👉 use Facebook or Instagram ads to grow your audience

👉 scale your impact by spreading your message

👉 hire your dream team to support you (want more on hiring? Read our Ultimate Guide to Hiring Your First Virtual Assistant)

👉 have more fun money to do whatever you want! You know — team retreats, live events, or just fancy dinners to celebrate your success

Let’s stay in touch!


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