Very Special Episode: My Favorite Things & Your Questions Answered

Just a reminder that Very Special Episodes come to you every 11 episodes & they’re a bit more casual, behind the scenes, off topic, and I always have a good time ;)

Today is a Very Special Episode, which means I’m sharing my favorite things at the moment and answering YOUR questions! And then toward the end of the episode I’m going to share an important tool for tapping into your intuition so your business can grow and you can just feel all-around amazing.

Let’s start with favorite things.





Favorite things:

These past few weeks have been, let’s just say, intense... And I’m recording in real time right now so, if you’re listening to this near the publish date - April 22nd… then maybe you feel this too.

We actually just found out that our tiny chihuahua mix Iki may have to get surgery so my ears are perked for healing magick or pet-centered magick to help him heal. If you know of anything, please DM me on Instagram...

Anyways, I’ve really been relying on my self-care and taking time for the things that have been speaking to my heart.

I finally found a massage therapist that’s walking distance from our apartment that is fantastic & specializes in working on local people instead of tourists. That feels pretty big.


Favorite Thing #1: This One Wild and Precious Life: The Path Back to Connection in a Fractured World


My most favorite thing right now is Sarah Wilson’s new book, This One Wild and Precious Life: The Path Back to Connection in a Fractured World.

This was a book that I was so sad to complete.

I’ve been a Sarah Wilson fan girl for years. I found her with her I Quit Sugar movement & empire, and then was blown away by her book, First, We Make the Beast Beautiful: A New Story about Anxiety.

The audiobook is free to listen to This One Wild and Precious Life if you have a scribd account so please, go listen. 


Favorite Thing #2: Simple Shui Group Consult


I’m taking a feng shui group course with episode 34 guest, Amanda Gibby Peters of Simple Shui. It’s good.

It’s a deeper than surface level dive into feng shui with lots of room to asked personalized questions about our spaces.

And I wanted to share on one of the lessons.

She gives an entire lesson to CLUTTER.

We all know it’s not good. But we all have it, right?? (Or at least most of us.)

Some practical tips Amanda gave was to ask these questions before buying something or bringing something home:

  1. Will this fill an immediate need?

  2. Do I have the time & energy to maintain this?

  3. Am I willing to let go of something else to get this?

So good.


 Favorite Things #3: Somatic Decolonization

This last month I hired Lettie Sullivan of the Goddess Ministry to lead my team through somatic decolonization work.

It’s been something that’s become blaringly obvious that it’s needed in the last couple months & I was so grateful to hire her at the end of March because a lot of shit got kicked up this month. Having Lettie to guide us in real time was really really useful.

If anyone hasn’t really dug into anti-racism work feel free to steal Lettie’s advice & read or listen to My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies.

It’s a beautiful, compassionate, heart-opening book.

There are so many good quotes too, so here are a few.


“A key factor in the perpetuation of white-body supremacy is many people’s refusal to experience clean pain around the myth of race. Instead, usually out of fear, they choose the dirty pain of silence and avoidance and, invariably, prolong the pain.” 

― Resmaa Menakem

“Years as a healer and trauma therapist have taught me that trauma isn’t destiny. The body, not the thinking brain, is where we experience most of our pain, pleasure, and joy, and where we process most of what happens to us. It is also where we do most of our healing, including our emotional and psychological healing. And it is where we experience resilience and a sense of flow.” 

― Resmaa Menakem

“Especially want to draw white Americans’ attention to this. White fragility is a lie, a dodge, a myth, and a form of denial. White Americans can create culture that confronts and dismantles white-body supremacy. Any suggestion that they are unable to rise to this challenge is a lie. White Americans are anything but helpless or fragile; they are (of course) precisely as capable as other human beings. But they need to refuse to dodge the responsibility of confronting white-body supremacy—or the responsibility of growing up.” 

― Resmaa Menakem

“We will not end white-body supremacy- or any other form of human evil- by trying to tear it to pieces. Instead, we can offer people better ways to belong, and better things to belong to. Instead of belonging to a race, we can belong to a culture. Each of us can also build our own capacity for genuine belonging.” 

― Resmaa Menakem


And obviously, check out Lettie’s work and many offerings at or @goddessgalaxy13 on Instagram.



What is the #1 biggest mindset work everyone should do during a launch? Does it change from your first launch to later launches?

  • Mindset is #1 thing to work on

  • We create assets ahead of time so the magic of the launch is in the mindset

  • First launch you don’t know what to expect. Yet you have expectations & goals.

  • You can fuck yourself up with future launches if you don’t reset your mindset after a “failed” launch

You talk a lot about systems and automations, I’m wondering what the easiest automations are for someone who is just starting to get systems into place in their business? Are there automations I can start doing today?

Easiest first one is a Lead Magnet & automated welcome email series!

Where do I find a good VA or online business manager? I’m having such a hard time finding the perfect person and I don’t know where to look.

My favorite ones are:

  • Ask for referrals

  • Aligned FB groups

  • Ask your audience

I have a ridiculously thorough guide within the Alchemical Business Accelerator for hiring and it has been SO FUN to have those in the group who are ready for their first hire to manifest their dream VA or OBM!!

Magical answer:

  • Work on your resistance to being supported or sisterhood wounds

  • Feng shui: Love & relationships gua & Helpful people gua

How can I make sure my business isn’t getting fucked over by the IG algorithm?

  • Consistent posting

  • May have to modify your message if it’s overtly sex related

  • Suggest growing email list or content marketing or YouTube rather than relying on companies with ever-changing algorithms

And to close this out...

8 Phases of the Moon:

If you haven’t yet, I really recommend downloading our free guide, the 8 Phases of a Numinous Launch. It’s all about how you can use the moon’s phases for each of your launches to empower you and make sure you are taking time to also reset and recoup after a crazy season in your business.

This month, I’ve been guiding the women in the Alchemical Business Accelerator through rituals based on each phase of the moon. And multiple women have come to me saying they feel so much more intuitive and connected to not only nature and the world, but also to their business and their mission because they are taking this time to really connect with the moon on a somatic level.

So I highly highly recommend downloading the 8 Phases of a Numinous Launch because this stuff is important, guys. This could totally transform your next launch. And I’m all about making your business more efficient and productive, but such a big part of that is taking time to reset. Just like the moon does.

And you can get that FREE guide at And again, it’s totally free so you don’t have an excuse not to download it. Go do that now.

So thank you so much for joining me for another Very Special Episode. Next week we have a really exciting episode where I’m interviewing Natalie Olson, the Numerology Chick, about how to use numerology in your business, and I promise you don’t want to miss that. So make sure you subscribe to the podcast. And while you’re here, I invite you to rate and review the podcast, this helps other magical business owners find us, and I will be so grateful to you for doing that.

That’s all for today, see you next Thursday!

Let's keep in touch!

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Numerology for Your Life and Business with Natalie Olson


Ethical Abundance: Welcoming prosperity without selling your soul with Camellia Dao-Ling