The 4 Myths that are holding you back from having a Highly Impactful Business

Hey friend,

How are you doing integrating the big download I gave you last week on redesigning your business using a regenerative business framework?

(If you missed it, search your inbox for ‘The 3 phases of setting up a regenerative business model’)

Today I wanted two get you in front of some niggling thoughts that may pop up as you start the process —

Here are the 4 Myths that are holding you back from setting up a Highly Impactful Business:

Myth 1. You need to do more.

Having a big impact (and creating more abundance through your business) does not require you to do more.

Of course, there is a bit of front-loading (which we talked about last week in the “installation” phase) -

- but once you have your regenerative business framework installed, your system will be doing a lot of the work for you.

More is being done. More impact is being made. But by your business (say goodbye to being chained to your desk).

Myth 2. You need to “find the right formula.”

“Formulas” + “blueprints” are so fucking seductive, amiright??

What a dream to simply follow someone else’s marketing formula or business blueprint to a T and it to magically work!!

(I mean… it does exist. They’re called franchises.)

But the most powerful business you can create is one based on your unearthed genius. Based on the cause/work that you want to bleed for.

YOUR formula will be based on your unique rhythms and cycles. YOUR blueprint is dependent on the types of trees (offers) you want to plant.

This not only ensures that you’ll actually enjoy (and be enthralled by) your business, but it also creates LONGEVITY.

A business based on someone else’s blueprint can be wiped out by a market change or tech advance (see: everyone freaking out by chatGPT replacing their business).

AI will never be able to replace your genius. A copycat plagiarizing won’t really matter. You’re the OG. Yours rings with truth.

On that note…

Myth 3. "If that person is doing well then I can’t."

I’m going to assume that if you’re reading this then your business is like a work of art (even if you don’t realize it yet.)

Artists create something from nothing. They take something from the ethereal, from inside, and the create something tangible with it. From nothing they create something of value.

Before there was just money. A person had some money - let’s say $1000 - they could spend it on food, anything. But the artists create a piece of art and sells it to that person for $1000. Now the world has $2000. The $1000 in the pocket of the artist, and the work of art that the person purchased.

When you treat your business like a work of art, you are creating more value in the world.

If “that person”is doing well, it has nothing to do with you or what’s possible for you (it can actually be PROOF that you can succeed in the way you want to.)

Myth 4. Your job is how you stay safe in the world.

This myth may feel like a big fat truth to you, but this thought can seriously wreck your attempts at having a juicy life.

If you believe that your job is your primary source of security then you will put it above all else. Above your wellbeing. Above your relationships. Above what you would consider “right.”

Creating a stable business is a powerful act. But don’t let it fool you into believing that it’s how you stay safe in the world.

The truth is that if you business died today, you would be fine. It may be hard and painful, but you will not die.

The truth is that all of your experiences, your connection to Source, and your connections to other humans are a much bigger source of security than your business.

If your business died today you aren’t starting at zero, because everything thing you’ve learned all all the connections you’ve made lift you up.

This is an important Myth to face because in order to build a regenerative business, there will likely be some burning down of pieces of your business + elements of your identity. Things that you relied on for security in the past (that deep down you know have been holding you back) will need to be let go of.

But on the other side of it is a business that is even more powerful, fulfilling and impactful than you can conceive of now.

In your corner,



The Regenerative Business Creation Lab opens in 5 days (Monday, Nov 13) + the waitlist gets first access as well as a 40% discount.

If you have an inkling that a regenerative business model is what you and your business are craving (for more time, ease, abundance, fulfillment, impact)…

​LAST CALL — get on the waitlist now.​


What is the Regenerative Business Creation Lab??


The 3 phases of setting up a regenerative business model