Entrepreneurship and the Soul of Your Business with Stormie Grace

Stormie Grace is a professional astrologer and psychic medium. Her soul journey has led her to assist others in understanding their own unique internal energy and connection with the Divine, so that this human experience can be experienced with as much happiness, joy, and freedom as we can handle.

“Your business has its own soul. And if you try to tell a soul how it has to be, you’ll lose every time.” - Stormie Grace

Sam chats with professional astrologer and psychic medium Stormie Grace about how she found success on Youtube, what she teaches her daughters about entrepreneurship, and how her soul journey led her to assist others in understanding their own unique energy.

stormie grace

Stormie went through traditional academia, all the way through school, and got a doctorate in business. During her master’s degree, she realized that when businesses have problems, it’s because the soul of the business is sick. And she wanted to be in the space making businesses better through spirituality. Her doctoral work bridged the gap between metaphysics and business through the lens of emotional intelligence.

“When you interact with businesses that don’t have service leadership, that are there to make money off of you and take advantage of you, you can feel it.” - Stormie Grace


On the merits of self-studying & why she’s crowdfunding to teach a free Astrology University on Youtube. (22:00)

Stormie began her interest in astrology as a self-studier, and she’s a huge proponent of using free resources like Youtube to dive deep into topics. The problem is, as a self-studier you don’t know where the gaps are in your knowledge. It’s not until you get under a mentor’s eyes that you learn where your gaps are.

She is crowdfunding to teach everything she knows about the foundations of astrology online for free through her Youtube account. So you won’t have to piece other astrology classes together anymore — you’ll gain a consistent understanding of the basics of astrology to fill in all of your gaps. You’ll have the foundations you need to be a professional astrologer in a year.


What are you teaching your daughters about entrepreneurship? (31:00)

Entrepreneurship is a mixed blessing. Not everyone is built to do a 9 to 5, and there’s nothing wrong with you if you can’t! Find a way to give what you have to give to the world, whether that’s through 9 to 5 work or building your own business. The important thing is to find where you flow.

She’s also teaching them that entrepreneurship is a lot of work. Recently, she went through surgery and still had to stay on top of her business — and her daughters saw the merits of working ahead as her business continued to run, but also how much work it is to constantly be in charge of your business.


Do you have any specific magical or spiritual practices you do every day? (40:00)

Every morning, the first thing she does when she wakes up is say, “Good morning, Universe” to show that she is ready to embrace whatever the Universe has in store for her that day. Then she does a daily reflection to gain an understanding of where she can focus her energy for that day. She also makes an effort to talk openly and honestly with other women about what she is experiencing so that she can feel fully rooted into the power of the Universe and make sure that she is showing up to serve on this planet.


What recommendations do you have for people who are just starting out in business? (47:00)

stormie grace astrology

Get a spiritual practice that grounds you every day, so that you can bend and not break with the new challenges you are going to face. Be able to ebb and flow with the idea that things but not look the way you expected them to.

“Get a spiritual grounding practice and a business plan to chug your business forward.” - Stormie Grace


What recommendations do you have for people scaling their business? (49:00)

Make a business plan! Magic will happen when you pen to paper, write down your ideas, and talk about them out loud. Your business has its own astrological chart and soul. Ask it, “Who are you? What are you about? What do you want?” And if you want assistance finding the soul of your business, get your business’ astrology plan done! 

“When you put pen to paper to make your business plan, magic happens.” - Stormie Grace



Stormie’s favorite K-Pop group, BTS


Connect with Stormie!

KICKSTARTER: Donate to support free astrology university & unlock exclusive rewards! This campaign ends Feb 7, 2021

Stormie Grace Astrology on Youtube

Stormie Grace Business on Youtube





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