Spatial Alchemy: How to get on the fast-track to your future life now with Olga Naiman

Olga Naiman is the founder of Spatial Alchemy, which integrates interior design with the principles of human transformation. Spatial Alchemy calibrates your home to meet your emotional needs, up-leveling your game on all fronts.

Olga is taking us through a magical practice to help you calibrate your home at the end of the episode, so make sure you stay on!


 How Olga combines interior design with magic through Spatial Alchemy. (01:20)

Olga Naiman Spatial Alchemy

Olga started working in the design & style world since the mid-90s. She started as a magazine assistant and worked her way up to editor. She also worked for House Beautiful magazine, West Elm, and Disney. She has a master’s degree in set design, and spent her life designing spaces. At the same time, she was studying feng shui, energetics, psychology, and doing ayahuasca ceremonies. As the years went on, she got more and more mystical as she progressed on her spiritual healing journey.

For a long time, those were two separate parts of who she was. Eventually, she started bringing in energy work and healing into her work with her design clients. She started to see how the negative experiences in her life were actually manifesting in their homes, and by shifting their homes, energy in their lives would start moving, too.


“Style is a tool to help you get to a place where you are aligned, where you are supported and nourished by your home.” - Olga


How to design your home to bring in the energy you want in your life. (08:00)

bringing in energy

By changing your environment, you can catalyze the future you want. It’s like an online dating avatar -- you could be sleeping, but it’s still working out there. When you start shifting your home, you shift your frequency. Olga brings in a lot of psychology into her work, looking at your patterning and releasing what doesn’t serve you.

If you want to find a partner, is your home set up for that? Or is your bed pushed against the wall, with no room for someone else? If you want to lose weight, does your kitchen reflect who you want to be in a year?


“When our home upgrades, we upgrade.” - Olga


How can magical business owners use Spatial Alchemy to manifest their goals? (14:00)


Olga brings in numerology, chakras, and symbols into her work. Your desk should be facing the door, not facing the wall with your back to the door. Things should feel rich. What can you bring in that your future self would love?

If you want to bring money into your life, you can start by putting a dollar and quartz into a plant and watering it. Whatever the sun hits grows, so putting this plant where the sun hits will grow more money. Have as big a desk as you can for your room.


“As a magical business owner, you can make the symbols in your home work for you. Bring in rich colors or subject matter for success & money.” - Olga


What should we be paying attention to in our lives when designing our space? (21:50)

patterns spatial alchemy

Look at the patterns manifesting in your home. Do you pile things up or buy things on clearance that don’t mean much to you? Do you hold onto things you don’t like? These are focal points to start on. You don’t need to re-do your entire house to call in fresh energy. All you have to do is create a corner or a table-top that you love. Just change 3 little spots to represent the life you want.


“You want your home to balance you out. If you tend to be flighty and scattered, be very orderly in your home. Start working against your patterns.” - Olga


Instructions for a Spatial Alchemy practice that you can bring into your space. (36:00)

vintage spatial alchemy

Sit back and think of your space. What do you want to experience in your life that you’re not currently experiencing?

What patterns do you believe that are holding you back from experiencing that?

How does that show up in patterns in your home?

This is how you can see how your home is reflecting — or not reflecting — what you desire. Think deeply about what you want and what in your home is not amplifying that desire.


“Go vintage. Things that are handmade with history are powerful.” - Olga

Where to find Olga:

Olga Naiman Spatial Alchemy

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