The Dos & Don’ts of Scaling Past $250K

If you’re making consistent $10k or $20k months in your business and now you’re looking ahead — maybe even planning for your first $300K+ year in 2022 — this one’s for you.

Or if you’re already at $500K+ but your business feels like a grind where you’re constantly burnt out and exhausted

Pay attention to this.

What got you to the point you’re at in your business right now will not work to get you to your next income goal.

To reach that next milestone, you need to make massive shifts to what you’re doing in your business, how you show up, and how you structure your business.

This is about making the transition from that exhausted state that got you to those consistent 10k months, to strategically and intentionally building ease and flow into your business. And creating systems that support that.

So how do you actually do that?

That’s what I’m coaching on in this week’s Instagram live.

Tune in to hear 3 common mistakes to avoid & 3 things to focus on as you gracefully welcome in your biggest year yet.

You should know…

If you feel overwhelmed & burnt out trying to scale your biz, I have something to tell you:

Business doesn't have to feel this hard.

If you’re ready for business to feel effortless, I want to invite you to apply for Monetize Your Magic

In our 60 min Effortless Expansion Session, I’ll guide you through how you can overcome the obstacles you’re facing in your business right now — so that you can make hitting your biggest goals a reality in the next few months.

I can’t wait to help you create the business success (and freedom!!) you’ve been craving.

​Click here to apply.


Special Announcement & Celebrating 1 year of the Podcast!!


How to Build Authority & Create Rabid Fans with Matt Gordon