Human Design for Entrepreneurs & Coaches with Krystal Woods

Krystal Woods is a mentor who helps entrepreneurs and coaches experience more material and spiritual abundance than they ever thought possible by embodying their purpose through Human Design and EFT.





Krystal spent years lost, confused, anxious, broke, purposeless, working jobs she hated & in toxic relationships. Now, she's on a mission to teach you how to find your own intuition and let that inner knowing guide you in everything you do.

“I’m here to have really unique perspectives. And when I break them down in a way that’s easy to understand, I initiate people into this transformative process.”

Human Design Business Owner

The most important places to focus on your human design chart for the busy business owner. (8:30)

For people who don’t want to do an hours-long deep-dive into human design, the best places for them to focus their energy are on their Strategy and Authority. These will show you how you should be making decisions and what kind of leader or manager you are.


“People are so focused on what is materially in front of them instead of the energy they’re embodying.”


How you can create or design a business that is aligned with your human design chart. (30:00)

Human Design Krystal Woods

When you go through your day and make business decisions when embodying the energy of your human design chart, it will bring a new quality to your work and make you feel confident in who you are and why you’re here. You will discover why doing the marketing techniques other people use might not honor your own unique energy flow. And that will make your work more magnetic.

Learning everything about your chart is helpful -- but at the very least, embody your Strategy and Authority. Check out your Incarnation Cross to understand your life’s theme. Look at your open gates to see where your consistent energy is. Your Profile is your leadership style.


Krystal's journey to entrepreneurship and how she went from bartender to spiritual business owner. (39:00)

Krystal Woods Entrepreneurship

Before Krystal started her business, she was working as a bartender and looking to apply to grad school and enter academia. Then she got pregnant and turned to entrepreneurship. Around that time she discovered Human Design, which solidified her path and helped her reach a new level of awareness.  As she says — it’s a typical 1/3 Profile story of finding her calling by stumbling along!


“I want to be in a sacred relationship with my business as I would be in relationship to my children. I don’t own it, we’re not co-dependent, but we can learn from one another and help each other grow. My business gets to evolve parallel to me.”




Electric & Rose


Girlfriend Collective

Business as a Magical Practice ep. 8, “Externalized Energies”:

Where you can find Krystal:

Instagram: @krystalewoods

Find your Human Design chart:


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Feed & Breed versus Fight or Flight: Your nervous system & Your business


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