Special Offer: Free 90-Day Growth Accelerator Program — UPDATE: This offer is closed


UPDATE: People acted quick to scoop this up! This offer is now closed.

We’re doing something a little out of the ordinary today...

We’ve decided to offer our 90-day growth accelerator program for FREE due to the crisis going on in the world.

This is a very comprehensive one-on-one program that sets up your business with a holistic digital marketing strategy so you can grow predictably.

We only have the capacity to offer a few of these for free with our current client load. But the effects of the coronavirus on businesses right now are tragic, and we really want to do what we can to help people out.

If you’re interested, click here and we can talk about the program.

We strongly believe that, though these are difficult and scary times, they do not have to be devastating for your business. Obviously, some businesses will need to do a massive pivot in their offerings and their strategy. But with the number of people at home, bored on social media, desperate for knowledge or entertainment…

Now can actually be the perfect time for your business to grow and to serve others.

Even if you’re not a Maui business, feel free to reach out about the program. We can offer the entire program virtually with Zoom, so location isn’t a limiting factor. In fact, we love working with online businesses ;)

Here’s exactly what we’ll do over the course of this program:

  • You’ll receive 1 full day session per month for 3 months with me, yourself + your team

  • The focus will be on designing your entire digital marketing strategy, not just focusing on disjointed aspects like, “you just need to get more leads” or “this new platform is the answer”

  • We’ll set up a metrics tracking system so that you can actually see what’s working and what’s not (After all, you can’t optimize what you aren’t tracking)

  • We focus on optimizing the areas of your customer value journey that have the biggest room for improvement — so you can get the most bang for your buck ;)

If you have any other questions, feel free to email us at hello@lumen.solutions, call (313) 288-0875, or book a call online.

Book your FREE 90-Day Growth Accelerator Plan Today


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