Funnel Magic! How to Build a Marketing Funnel as a Coach or Online Business Owner

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How to Build a Marketing Funnel as a Coach or Online Business Owner

What is a funnel?

Basically, it’s a way to attract new people who’d want to work with you, make them interested in your work, and have them buy your products again and again.

And yes, this works if you have a service-based business where you sell courses, programs, or 1:1 coaching.

Funnels don’t need to be complicated or scary.

I’m breaking down how coaches, course creators & ONLINE business owners can create a funnel that grows their audience & gets more sales.

Should You Make a Funnel?

You probably already have a funnel (they just aren't intentional or optimized).

Your funnel is simply the way the your potential clients move through your audience.

When you run a launch, you’re creating a funnel in real time because you are moving people from the initial stage of meeting you, to learning about your offer, and finally buying it.

Which means that if you AREN’T seeing the results you want from your launches (enrollment numbers, revenue, growth, etc.), there is a lot of work you can do to make your funnel more intentional.

(And yes - learning how to make an optimized funnel WILL make all of your future launches significantly easier)

In this episode, I’m sharing examples of what your funnel probably looks like right now if you haven’t done this work before, and examples of what a successful funnel looks like.

Why You Should Create a Funnel

With a funnel, you can finally…

  • Create consistent revenue WITHOUT needing to launch all the time

  • Get new clients instead of “burning out” audience (that means, you are constantly bringing more people onto your email list instead of trying to sell to the same people over and over again who may never intend to buy your offers)

  • Grow your audience between launches, so you have way more people to sell to during your next launch

  • Revive your “Evergreen course graveyard.” If you have evergreen courses on your website that never sell, this is the secret to getting consistent sales for them.

  • Free yourself from social media!! When you have a consistent process of growing your email list, you won’t need to spend hours figuring out how to sell on Instagram anymore. You can sell directly to a list of people who have already shown interest in your business.

If any of that sounds good to you, make sure you tune into this week’s episode.

I’m sharing the best funnel strategies for coaches, course creators & spiritual online business owners.

Plus, real stories from my clients who have seen massive shifts in their business after building their funnels.
Oh, and if you’re still reading this because you’re curious what word I was trying to figure out during this episode, it’s “Content syndication” ;)

Build a Funnel in a Week was the FREE virtual event that will show you how to maximize your sales & get you way more clients by building a marketing funnel.

One-time-only: Feb. 8 - 15, 2023

What’s waiting for you inside the Build a Funnel in a Week training:

✔️ A Step-By-Step Funnel Strategy to build out a funnel that magnetizes your dream clients into your audience & converts them into paying customers who rave about your work

✔️ 8 Trainings (both written + video) to walk you through each stage of building your funnel – from coming up with enchanting offers your people can’t wait to get their hands on, to creating seductive marketing & testing the final result 

✔️ 2 Sales Page Templates to help you write compelling Sales Pages for your entry-level and core offers, so your dream clients don’t hesitate to sign up 

✔️ Private Pop-Up Facebook Group where you’ll get LIVE feedback as you build out your funnel, based on my 10+ years as a marketing expert for online business owners 

✔️ LIVE Q&A Call where you’ll get answers to questions about tech integration, metrics, funnel optimization & whatever else comes up for you

marketing funnel for coaches course creators spiritual business owners, how to create a marketing funnel, how to build a marketing funnel, marketing for coaches, facebook ads for coaches, instagram ads, core offer

THIS is the #1 thing that’s going to skyrocket your business into way more money with way less of your energy.

By the end of this 8 day event, you’ll have a complete funnel that is ready to rock in your business, which you can start using to expand your audience and get sales right away.

Yes! I’m ready for sales to feel effortless.


How to Build a Funnel in a Week


The key to more sales without lifting a finger