Business as DEVOTION with Jamie Ridler

What does it mean to be a heart-centered business owner who does things your own way, aligning your work with your unique energy & purpose?

This week, I’m sharing an interview with one of my all-time favorite people that will help answer that question.

Jamie Ridler, MA, CCP, is a creative coach and the founder of Jamie Ridler Studios, an

online hub bringing creativity to life. 

Reaching thousands of blog readers, podcast listeners and YouTube viewers each day, Jamie is a creative luminary who helps everyone to connect deeply to their creative core. As an engaging speaker, writer, and coach, she has delivered talks and developed courses on topics such as

journaling, finding your unique voice, dealing with the inner critic, embracing yourself as an artist (even if you don’t have a creative bone in your body) and presenting powerfully. 

Named by the Huffington Post as “One of the Top Five Women Podcasters You Must Listen To,” and as One of the Top 25 Podcasts for Entrepreneurs, Jamie inspires a passionate creative community, helping them find the courage and confidence to follow their dreams.

Devotion starts with your commitment to bringing something to life. It means being in your business for the long run, and having the love and trust to create an entire body of work with your business, not just to do one-off projects that aren’t looking at the bigger impact you’re having on the world.

The consistency and rituals you create along the way will inspire you to keep going. Jamie is sharing her insights and best practices for devotion in life and business on this episode.

How to tap into your creative core. (15:29)

Everything you make comes out of your soul, your body. And like a hose with a kink in it, if you’re twisted up all the time you won’t be available for creative energy to flow through you. When you’re open and you listen, things will start to come up that make your ears perk up in interest, that make you pause and take note, that make you feel fully present and at peace. That’s when you’ll know you’ve tapped into something transformative.

On this episode, Jamie is sharing more techniques to tap into your creative core so that you can live a more enriched life. 

How Jamie created more time and energy for creative flow by automating her business. (29:17)

For Jamie, part of devotion means being honorable and wanting to contribute to the world with her business. One surprising way she does that? Automations.

So many people see automating as mundane and inanimate, but the truth is, we’re magicians. We can create meaning, and part of that could mean turning automation into a magical practice that deeply serves our communities. 

By automating her business while in the Alchemical Business Accelerator, she was able to get her time back so that she could spend more time with her creative soul, instead of in the weeds of her business.

And no, she wasn’t automating her business so she could get out of it and do less work in the world. She was automating it because it allowed her to share more of her magic and spread her message to everyone who could benefit from it, without draining her energy.


Where to find Jamie

You need to hear these closing words from Jamie…

“I took a lot of other programs before I joined the Alchemical Business Accelerator, and I never felt like I was in the right place. But the minute I joined ABI I thought, Oh, magical people doing business. This is something different!

There is a way to do business that is true to you. There is a way to build it upon your personality, your strengths, and what would nourish you. And the world needs your gifts.

Sam’s approach is going to shift your idea about performance and help you see that it’s about you shining and showing up in the world with the gifts you’re here to share – not about you pretending to be someone you’re not.”

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