The 2 Keys to Uncensored Genius + Being the Liberated Witch with Rachael Maddox

Tune in for a deep dive with Business Witch Rachael Maddox, on uncensoring your voice, unleashing your true genius into your business, and her story of burning down her very successful business (to step into one that is more free, fun, and profitable).

That is actually the essence of the witch wound and the path to liberation. What are the things that you're benefiting from culturally, systemically, that you do not believe in, that you are deeply opposed to, that your soul knows is not good for the world and all living things, or you?

The wound of the witch is, if I speak up, if I speak out, if I stand for justice, if I stand for what I feel to be true, I will be burned at the stake. And there's historical implications that would validate your fear, but the path of liberation for the witch is to coven up, right? You know, you don't have to stand by yourself. That's a fucking myth, right? And to tell your coven "This is what I'm scared to say. This is the truth that has me rattling in my bones but it's true." And then you ask your coven for either celebration, solidarity, or support.

So we all need solidarity, celebration, and support in order to move from the witch wound, who represses and hides in shame, and I shouldn't, or I couldn't, or I'm not allowed, to the liberated witch, who is sovereign and a clear stand for what their version of truth and justice are.

— Rachel Maddox

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About Rachael Maddox:

Rachael Maddox is a trauma resolution educator, coach and guide who’s helped hundreds of humans move from sexual, complex or developmental trauma into pleasure, power and trust-filled relationships.

Author of "Secret Bad Girl: A Sexual Trauma Memoir" and "Resolution Guide, and ReBloom: Archetypal Trauma Resolution for Personal & Collective Healing" – Rachael uses stories and metaphor to weave together healing methods that are accessible, safe, fun and effective.

On a fierce mission to help as many people as possible who’ve experienced trauma, Rachael offers one-on-one support, groups, articles and courses for humans who are ready to dance hard with life.


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