Writing a Book for Your Business with Brooke Adams Law

Brooke Adams Law is a writer, writing teacher and retreat leader who uses writing as a tool to help women step into sovereignty and reclaim their story. She joins us today to talk about how a book can help you in your business, how to tap into your creativity, and how to overcome what's holding you back from writing a book.

“Your desire to write is a calling that proves there is something you need to say.” - Brooke Adams Law


Why creative wounding prevents you from writing the book you want. (9:00)

Creative wounding and worthiness are the main two reasons why people don’t write a book even though they really want to. Common creative wounds stem from having your art or creative skills criticized, not seen, or overlooked. Additionally, many people (even highly qualified people) believe they aren’t good enough or worthy to write a book.

“The act of writing is what makes you a writer, not the book deal or agent or six-figure sales.” - Brooke Adams Law

Brooke Adams Law

The magical side to writing a book. (13:30)

When you feel creatively drained, it’s helpful to think of your writing as channelling from a deeper source instead of as all the words being made up in your head. Using magical practices, you can learn how to tap into the well of creativity even when it feels really dry. Writing a book is less about what you write and more about who you become during the process. So much magic happens along the way.

“Who are you going to become in the process of writing?” - Brooke Adams Law

Brooke Adams Law - book


How to get in a creative space when you don’t know what to write. (15:15)

Pause working on whatever you’re working on and take a short break, anywhere from a day to a week. Spend time intentionally filling your creative well, whether that’s going for walks, being by the water, using tarot cards, being with friends. Doing these things might not feel productive but they are vital to restoring your mental and emotional energy for your project. Make your writing intentionally spiritual. Relate to your creativity as an entity in itself and don’t be afraid to say “hi!” to it every now and then!

“Where and when has something you’ve created not been seen or understood, or been outright criticized?” - Brooke Adams Law

Brooke Adams Law - Magic

How to use a book to make sales. (39:00)

As an entrepreneur, you offer different levels of transformation for you clients depending on how you work with them: whether it’s through lead magnets, podcasts, 1:1 coaching, etc. Reading your book, they will go through one level of transformation with you… and it will open a door for them to want to work with you more deeply going forward. Your book is like a test run of your work, and some people will read it with the intention of seeing if you’ll be a good fit to work together. 

“Your desire to write is a calling to prove there is something you need to say.” - Brooke Adams Law

Brooke Adams Law - Sales


Brooke's recent purchase she's loved:

Monthly massages


Brooke Adams Law - Massage

Keep up with Brooke!

Brooke’s website: https://www.wearewritingbrave.com/

Instagram: @wearewritingbrave

Twitter: @BrookeAdamsLaw

Writer’s Haven Facebook Group

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