Embracing community for a radiant life & business

Have you ever experienced this…?

Feeling envy & competitiveness with other women

Feeling jealousy & possessiveness of your partner - especially around other women

Many women have.

It’s part of the sisterhood wound — and it’s so, so real.






For a lot of human history, women had to fight one another to keep our means of survival around, our baby daddy.

In some cultures, where men had multiple wives, there was also a hierarchy that created competition among women for resources.

Ultimately, this is a reflection on our own self-trust, our own self-love…

…and how much we fill our own selves up versus seeking validation & safety from outside sources.

Obviously, there are people that are in their own trauma & drama that you may need to not have in your life because they will drain you.

But I have found again & again that once you set your standard of how you treat yourself - how you expect other people to treat you - and how easily you will walk away from situations that you are unwilling to fuck with…

…the less you find yourself even coming into contact with people who are jealous of you & want to tear you down or compete with you.

magical online business

When you move in the world from a deep knowing that you have enough and you want the best for people, there is so much more grace in life.

You will find people reacting to you differently. 

If our current society and culture in most of the world, men have better examples of healthy competition, where examples for women tend to lean in the toxic competition direction

Women are wired for community, so our potential is limitless when we come together.

You have undoubtedly experienced this…

When someone you love hits a big goal & has a big win & you feel such joy for them

If that is your base point, everything changes. 

This is wiring you for abundance.

And it’s also wiring you for a joyful life.

I see this in clients too in regards to building a team.

If they have a hard time with sisterhood or fellowship, they have a hard time allowing themselves to be supported.

This makes a lot of sense!

female friendships magical business alchemy

If your baseline is competition then you will not assume that the people you hire want the best for you.

You will have more transactional relationships. It will be tit-for-tat instead of everyone rising together.


Humans have evolved to be IN COMMUNITY.

And our brains are wired to care about what those around us think.

So you do need to be very intentional with who you surround yourself with.

You need to be very intentional with who you’re WITNESSED by.

Because everyday in the media we already hear about economic instability, how so many people are barely getting by, see business owners bragging about hustling & being busy & working nonstop.

But imagine what can happen if you’re forming deep connections with other women who are building businesses that are highly profitable.

Celebrating hit income goals.

Where you’re encouraged to work LESS & only in your zone of genius.

Where we know that our internal work massively impacts our external reality & our businesses are a work of art.

All of this is waiting for you. Right now.

Imagine having a group of people that you can rely on for inspiration, guidance, and emotional support.

Imagine having women you can DM & call up whenever you’re having a rough day or a business question pops up…

As Visionary CEOs we can’t really bring that shit to our teams!

You really don’t want to be integrating your drama with the people you employ…

This leads so many female entrepreneurs I know to feel SO LONELY!

They can’t go to their family or friends because they aren’t entrepreneurs. They don’t get it.

I remember when I started my business, even up to a couple years ago, when I would dump on my husband about a shitty client or a scary conversation I had to have, he’d respond with “Well why don’t you just quit & do something else? You don’t need to do this business.”

He didn’t get it. He couldn’t see what I was building.

(Now he is insanely supportive - he finally sees the aftermath of the build)

Most of the time your family & friends aren’t entrepreneurs & they don’t get it.

They may not even know what the fuck you sell on the internet.

And your team can’t be that support system for you. They absolutely support you and your business in running & growing and thriving.

But they aren’t your coach.

They often don’t have the next-level mindset you need to leap to your next goal.

And it’s often wildly inappropriate & damaging to talk with them about your fears about your business’ success…

You instead need people to hold you in the drama and the celebrations & totally understand. They understand that you can double or quadruple your income in the next few months. They may have even done it themselves.

This is exactly what the Alchemical Business Accelerator will give you.

In our last round, every single woman there said she was surprised at how much this community aspect of this container helped her.

“2021 is the year of the mastermind”

If you joined me for the Your Best Year Yet event in December you heard Astrologer Donna Woodwell drop this wisdom. And I took it very seriously.

That’s why I launched the Alchemical Business Accelerator at the beginning of 2021. People need it now. YOU need it now.

So - it’s time to meet your new support system.

The womxn that will be in the emotional trenches with you over 6 months of focused action & change in your business (and in yourself).

So I want to invite you into the Alchemical Business Accelerator.

We start in October & it’s a very small group container.

Come summer your business can be supporting YOU.

And you will be supported by us as well.

Come meet your new business BFFs!

Head on over to learn.thedirtyalchemy.com/aba-app-2023 to apply now.

magical women business owner

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